Odds Explanation

Market IDs, tip IDs, list of markets.

Market ID

The market id is a number and is valid for all odds of the same market for the same stage. It can be used as a sort order, starting with 0 as the most weighted market id.

The market id is unique per event, not globally.

Fixed and dynamic markets

Fixed markets

If a market is flaged as multi = 0, you can only have this market once and the market id is always the same for this market at the given stage.


The soccer market 1x2 (Money Line) for the first half has only one possible line and the market id is always 10000.

The second half still has a separate market id, in this case 11000.

Dynamic markets

If a market is flagged as multi = 1, that means the market id is dynamic and you will have more than one line for the this market.


The soccer market Corners Over / Under can have multiple lines (over / under 7.5, over / under 8.5, ...), each of which receives its own market id (840075, 840085).

This id is calculated by taking the base id (840000) and adding the line value (7.5, 8.5) to produce a unique number.

The flag multi = 2 is the same like 1 but the bet is always on a player name.

The flag multi = 3 is the same like 1 but for Asian markets.

Tip ID

The tip id is a concatenated string joined by underscores that contains the market, the market detail, the game stage, and (for dynamic markets) the market line.

The tip id is unique per event, not globally.

Fixed market tip ID

This id has the following format: odd_MARKET_DETAIL_STAGE


Let's take the tip odd_1x2_1_ord from the soccer market Money Line.

  • odd: This element is always "odd"; this is for internal purpose and has no other meaning
  • 1x2: The market of this tip (see odds market list)
  • 1: The market detail; in this case "1" stands for "team 1" (see market detail list)
  • ord The stage / period of the game this market covers, in this case ordinary playtime

odd_1x2_1_ord means that the player bet that team 1 wins the ordinary playtime of this match. The player wins this bet if team 1 scores more goals than team 2.

Dynamic market tip ID

This id has the following format: odd_MARKET_DETAIL_LINE_STAGE


Consider the tip odd_ou_o_1.5_1h from the soccer market Over / Under First Half.

  • odd: This element is always "odd"; this is for internal purpose and has no other meaning
  • ou: The market of this tip (see odds market list)
  • o: The market detail; in this case "o" stands for "over" (see market detail list)
  • 1.5: The market line; 1.5 goals in this case
  • 1h: The stage / period of the game this market covers, in this case first half

odd_ou_o_1.5_1h means that the player bet that the sum of the goals at halftime (halftime score) is bigger than 1.5. The player wins this bet if the sum of goals at halftime is 2 or bigger.

Odds market list

SportMarketStageMultiDescriptionValid forBased on
11x2ord0Match WinnerTeamsGoals
11x21h0Team to Win the First HalfTeamsGoals
11x22h0Team to Win the Second HalfTeamsGoals
11x2epord03 Way Enhanced Prices (Same Like 1x2 With Better Odds)TeamsGoals
1rogord0Winner of the Remaining PlaytimeTeamsGoals
1rog1h0Winner of the Remaining PlaytimeTeamsGoals
1rog2h0Winner of the Remaining PlaytimeTeamsGoals
1dcord0Match Winner Double ChanceTeamsGoals
1dc1h0Winner of First Half Double ChanceTeamsGoals
1dc2h0Winner of Second Half Double ChanceTeamsGoals
1fstglord0Team to Score First GoalTeamsGoals
1fstgl1h0Team to Score First GoalTeamsGoals
1fstgl2h0Team to Score First GoalTeamsGoals
1ngord0Team to Score Next GoalTeamsGoals
1ng1h0Team to Score Next GoalTeamsGoals
1ouord1Over / UnderTotal ScoreGoals
1ou1h1Over / UnderTotal ScoreGoals
1ou2h1Over / UnderTotal ScoreGoals
1homeouord1Home Over / UnderHome ScoreGoals
1homeou1h1Home Over / UnderHome ScoreGoals
1homeou2h1Home Over / UnderHome ScoreGoals
1awayouord1Away Over / UnderAway ScoreGoals
1awayou1h1Away Over / UnderAway ScoreGoals
1awayou2h1Away Over / UnderAway ScoreGoals
11x2hcord1Handicap 3 WayTeamsGoals
11x2hc1h1Handicap 3 WayTeamsGoals
1dnbord0Draw No BetTeamsGoals
1btsord0Both Teams to ScoreTeamsGoals
1bts1h0Both Teams to ScoreTeamsGoals
1bts2h0Both Teams to ScoreTeamsGoals
1bts1h2hord0Both Teams to Score in 1st Half / 2nd HalfTeams / StageGoals
1hometoscore1h0Home to ScoreHomeGoals
1hometoscore2h0Home to ScoreHomeGoals
1awaytoscore1h0Away to ScoreAwayGoals
1awaytoscore2h0Away to ScoreAwayGoals
1lstglord0Team to Score Last GoalTeamsGoals
1goalstotalord0Number of Goals in the MatchTotal ScoreGoals
1exactgoalsord0Exact Number of Goals in the MatchTotal ScoreGoals
1exactgoals1h0Exact Number of Goals in the First HalfTotal ScoreGoals
1exactgoals2h0Exact Number of Goals in the Second HalfTotal ScoreGoals
1homeexactgoalsord0Home Exact Number of Goals in the MatchHome ScoreGoals
1awayexactgoalsord0Away Exact Number of Goals in the MatchAway ScoreGoals
1smgord0Half With Most GoalsStageGoals
1homesmgord0Home Half with Most GoalsStage Home OnlyGoals
1awaysmgord0Away Half with most GoalsStage Away OnlyGoals
1oeord0Odd / EvenTotal ScoreGoals
1oe1h0Odd / EvenTotal ScoreGoals
1oe2h0Odd / EvenTotal ScoreGoals
1htftord0Team to Win Halftime / FulltimeTeamsStage Winner
1homemarginord0Home Winning MarginHome ScoreGoals
1awaymarginord0Away Winning MarginAway ScoreGoals
1csord0Correct Score at End of the Ordinary PlaytimeTotal ScoreGoals
1cs1h0Correct Score of the First Half OnlyTotal ScoreGoals
1cs2h0Correct Score of the second half onlyTotal ScoreGoals
1cor1x2ord0Team with Most Corner 3 WayTeamsCorner
1corou3word1Corner Over / Under 3 WayTotal CornerCorner
1corou3w1h1Corner Over / Under 3 WayTotal CornerCorner
1corou3w2h1Corner Over / Under 3 WayTotal CornerCorner
1corouord1Corner Over / UnderTotal CornerCorner
1corou1h1Corner Over / UnderTotal CornerCorner
1corou2h1Corner Over / UnderTotal CornerCorner
1homecorouord1Home Corner Over / UnderTotal Corner HomeCorner
1awaycorouord1Away Corner Over / UnderTotal Corner AwayCorner
1corxouord1Multiply Corner Over / UnterTotal CornerCorner
1coroeord0Corner Odd / EvenTotal CornerCorner
1coroe1h0Corner Odd / EvenTotal CornerCorner
1coroe2h0Corner Odd / EvenTotal CornerCorner
1cortotalord0Number of CornersTotal CornerCorner
1corhc3word0Corner Handicap 3 WayTotal CornerCorner
1asiacorouord1Asia Corner Over UnderTotal CornerCorner
1asiacorou1h1Asia Corner Over UnderTotal CornerCorner
1homecoord0Number of Corners for HomeTotal Corner HomeCorner
1awaycoord0Number of Corners for AwayTotal Corner AwayCorner
1cornou00-09ord0Corner Over / Under Minute from .. to .. onlyTotal CornerCorner
1cornou10-19ord0Corner Over / Under Minute From .. to .. OnlyTotal CornerCorner
1cornou20-29ord0Corner Over / Under Minute From .. to .. OnlyTotal CornerCorner
1cornou30-39ord0Corner Over / Under Minute From .. to .. OnlyTotal CornerCorner
1cornou40-49ord0Corner Over / Under Minute from .. to .. onlyTotal CornerCorner
1cornou50-59ord0Corner Over / Under Minute From .. to .. OnlyTotal CornerCorner
1cornou60-69ord0Corner Over / Under Minute From .. to .. OnlyTotal CornerCorner
1cornou70-79ord0Corner Over / Under Minute From .. to .. OnlyTotal CornerCorner
1cornou80-Endord0Corner Over / Under Minute From .. to .. OnlyTotal CornerCorner
11x2ou15ord0Match Winner and Goals Over / UnderTeams / Total ScoreGoals
11x2ou151h0Winner of the First Half and Goals Over / UnderTeams / Total ScoreGoals
11x2ou152h0Winner of the Second Half and Goals Over / UnderTeams / Total ScoreGoals
11x2ou25ord0Match Winner and Goals Over / UnderTeams / Total ScoreGoals
11x2ou251h0Winner of the First Half and Goals Over / UnderTeams / Total ScoreGoals
11x2ou252h0Winner of the Second Half and Goals Over / UnderTeams / Total ScoreGoals
11x2ou35ord0Match Winner and Goals Over / UnderTeams / Total ScoreGoals
11x2ou351h0Winner of the First Half and Goals Over / UnderTeams / Total ScoreGoals
11x2ou352h0Winner of the Second Half and Goals Over / UnderTeams / Total ScoreGoals
11x2ou45ord0Match Winner and Goals Over / UnderTeams / Total ScoreGoals
11x2ou451h0Winner of the First Half and Goals Over / UnderTeams / Total ScoreGoals
11x2ou452h0Winner of the Second Half and Goals Over / UnderTeams / Total ScoreGoals
11x2btsord0Match Winner and Both Teams To ScoreTeamsGoals
11x2bts1h0Winner of the First Half and Both Teams To ScoreTeamsGoals
11x2bts2h0Winner of th eSecond Half and Both Teams To ScoreTeamsGoals
1btsouord0Both Teams to Score and Over / Under at end of the ordinary playtimeTeams / Total ScoreGoals
1goalou00-09ord0Goals Over / Under Minute From .. to .. OnlyTotal ScoreGoals
1goalou10-19ord0Goals Over / Under Minute From .. to .. OnlyTotal ScoreGoals
1goalou20-29ord0Goals Over / Under Minute from .. to .. onlyTotal ScoreGoals
1goalou30-39ord0Goals Over / Under Minute From .. to .. OnlyTotal ScoreGoals
1goalou40-49ord0Goals Over / Under Minute From .. to .. OnlyTotal ScoreGoals
1goalou50-59ord0Goals Over / Under Minute From .. to .. OnlyTotal ScoreGoals
1goalou60-69ord0Goals Over / Under Minute From .. to .. OnlyTotal ScoreGoals
1goalou70-79ord0Goals Over / Under Minute From .. to .. OnlyTotal ScoreGoals
1goalou80-Endord0Goals Over / Under Minute From .. to .. OnlyTotal ScoreGoals
1rogou1h1Remaining Playtime Over / UnderTotal ScoreGoals
1asiaouord1Asia Over / UnderTotal ScoreGoals
1rogou2h1Remaining Playtime Over / UnderTotal ScoreGoals
1anygsord2Player Scores at Any TimePlayerGoals
1exactgs1ord2Player Scores the x GoalPlayerGoals
1exactgs2ord2Player Scores the x GoalPlayerGoals
1exactgs3ord2Player Scores the x GoalPlayerGoals
1exactgs4ord2Player Scores the x GoalPlayerGoals
1exactgs5ord2Player Scores the x GoalPlayerGoals
1exactgs6ord2Player Scores the x GoalPlayerGoals
1exactgs7ord2Player Scores the x GoalPlayerGoals
1exactgs8ord2Player Scores the x GoalPlayerGoals
1exactgs9ord2Player Scores the x GoalPlayerGoals
1exactgs10ord2Player Scores the x GoalPlayerGoals
1exactgs11ord2Player Scores the x GoalPlayerGoals
1exactgs12ord2Player Scores the x GoalPlayerGoals
1exactgs13ord2Player Scores the x GoalPlayerGoals
1exactgs14ord2Player Scores the x GoalPlayerGoals
1exactgs15ord2Player Scores the x GoalPlayerGoals
1exactgs16ord2Player Scores the x GoalPlayerGoals
1exactgs17ord2Player Scores the x GoalPlayerGoals
1exactgs18ord2Player Scores the x GoalPlayerGoals
1exactgs19ord2Player Scores the x GoalPlayerGoals
1exactgs20ord2Player Scores the x GoalPlayerGoals
1homefirstgsord2Player Scores the First Goal for HomePlayer HomeGoals
1awayfirstgsord2Player Scores the First Goal for AwayPlayer AwayGoals
1lastgsord2Player Scores the Last GoalPlayerGoals
1homelastgsord2Player scores the last Goal for HomePlayer HomeGoals
1awaylastgsord2Player scores the last Goal for AwayPlayer AwayGoals
1anyredcardord0Any Red Card Yes / NoTotal Red CardsRed Cards
1anypenaltyord0Number of PenaltiesTotal PenaltiesPenalty
1asiaou1h1Over / UnderTotal ScoreGoals
1teambhtsord0Team to Score in Both HalfTeamsGoals
1cardouord1Over / Under Total Red CardsTotal Red CardsRed Cards
1tcsord0Team Clean Sheet (= no Goal Against This Team)TeamsGoals
1hcasiaord3Handicap 2 wayTeamsGoals
1hcasia1h3Handicap 2 wayTeamsGoals
1teamtsord0Team to ScoreTeamsGoals
1teamts1h0Team to ScoreTeamsGoals
1teamts2h0Team to ScoreTeamsGoals
1homegoalsord0Exact Number of Goals Home ScoresHome ScoreGoals
1awaygoalsord0Exact Number of Goals Away ScoresAway ScoreGoals
1rogouord1Over / Under Remaining Playtime OnlyTotal ScoreGoals
212fe0Match WinnerTeamsSets
2gamesoemfe0Games in Match Odd / EvenTotal Games in MatchGames
2gamesoe1s0Games Odd / EvenTotal GamesGames
2gamesoe2s0Games Odd / EvenTotal GamesGames
2gamesoe3s0Games Odd / EvenTotal GamesGames
2gamesoe4s0Games Odd / EvenTotal GamesGames
2gamesoe5s0Games Odd / EvenTotal GamesGames
2cs3setfe0Correct Score (Match with 3 Sets)Total SetsSets
2cs5setfe0Correct Score (Match with 5 Sets)Total SetsSets
2gamescs1s0Correct ScoreTotal GamesGames
2gamescs2s0Correct ScoreTotal GamesGames
2gamescs3s0Correct ScoreTotal GamesGames
2gamescs4s0Correct ScoreTotal GamesGames
2gamescs5s0Correct ScoreTotal GamesGames
2121s0Winner of SetTeamsPoints
2122s0Winner of SetTeamsPoints
2123s0Winner of SetTeamsPoints
2124s0Winner of SetTeamsPoints
2125s0Winner of SetTeamsPoints
2cssetfe0Correct ScoreTotal SetsSets
212oufe1Match Winner and Games in Match Over / UnderTeams / Total GamesGames
2gamesou1s1Games Over / UnderTotal GamesGames
2gamesou2s1Games Over / UnderTotal GamesGames
2gamesou3s1Games Over / UnderTotal GamesGames
2gamesou4s1Games Over / UnderTotal GamesGames
2gamesou5s1Games Over / UnderTotal GamesGames
2oufe1Sets Over / UnderTotal SetsSets
2gamesoumfe1Games in Match Over / UnderTotal Games in MatchGames
312fe0Match WinnerTeamsPoints
31x21h0Winner of Stage 3 WayTeamsPoints
31x22h0Winner of Stage 3 WayTeamsPoints
31x21q0Winner of Stage 3 WayTeamsPoints
3121q0Winner of StageTeamsPoints
31x22q0Winner of Stage 3 WayTeamsPoints
3122q0Winner of StageTeamsPoints
31x23q0Winner of Stage 3 WayTeamsPoints
3123q0Winner of StageTeamsPoints
31x24q0Winner of Stage 3 WayTeamsPoints
3124q0Winner of StageTeamsPoints
3121h0Winner of StageTeamsPoints
3122h0Winner of StageTeamsPoints
3oufe1Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
3ou1q1Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
3ou2q1Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
3ou3q1Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
3ou4q1Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
3ou1h1Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
3ou2h1Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
3homeoufe1Home Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
3awayoufe1Away Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
3homeou1h1Home Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
3awayou1h1Away Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
3homeou1q1Home Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
3awayou1q1Away Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
3ou3w1h1Away Points Over / Under 3 WayTotal PointsPoints
312hcfe1Handicap 2 WayTeamsPoints
312hc1q1Handicap 2 WayTeamsPoints
312hc2q1Handicap 2 WayTeamsPoints
312hc3q1Handicap 2 WayTeamsPoints
312hc4q1Handicap 2 WayTeamsPoints
31x2hcfe1Handicap 3 WayTeamsPoints
312hc1h1Handicap 2 WayTeamsPoints
312hc2h1Handicap 2 WayTeamsPoints
31x2hc1h1Handicap 3 WayTeamsPoints
3oefe0Odd / EvenTotal PointsPoints
3oe1q0Odd / EvenTotal PointsPoints
3oe2q0Odd / EvenTotal PointsPoints
3oe1h0Odd / EvenTotal PointsPoints
3oe3q0Odd / EvenTotal PointsPoints
3oe4q0Odd / EvenTotal PointsPoints
3oe2h0Odd / EvenTotal PointsPoints
3homeoefe0Home Odd / EvenTotal PointsPoints
3awayoefe0Away Odd / EvenTotal PointsPoints
3dcfe0Double ChanceTeamsPoints
3dc1h0Double ChanceTeamsPoints
3dc1q0Double ChanceTeamsPoints
3hmgfe0Highest Scoring HalfHalfPoints
3qmgfe0Highest Scoring QuarterQuarterPoints
3teamhsqfe0Team Highest Scoring QuarterQuarterPoints
3quartercsfe0Quarter Correct ScoreTotal PointsPoints
31x2ou1h1Winner of Half 3 Way and Points Over / UnderTeams / Total PointsPoints
312oufe1Match Winner and Points Over / UnderTeams / Total PointsPoints
412fe0Match WinnerTeamsSets
4121s0Winner of StageTeamsPoints
4122s0Winner of StageTeamsPoints
4123s0Winner of StageTeamsPoints
4124s0Winner of StageTeamsPoints
4125s0Winner of StageTeamsPoints
4pointsoufe1Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
4pointsou1s1Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
4pointsou2s1Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
4pointsou3s1Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
4pointsou4s1Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
4pointsou5s1Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
4homeoufe1Home Points Over / UnderHome Total PointsPoints
4awayoufe1Away Points Over / UnderAway Total PointsPoints
4cs5setfe0Set BettingSetsSets
4cssetfe0Correct ScoreSetsSets
4cs2setfe0Score After Second SetSetsSets
4cs3setfe0Set BettingSetsSets
4pointsoefe0Points Odd / EvenTotal PointsPoints
4pointsoe1s0Points Odd / EvenTotal PointsPoints
4pointsoe2s0Points Odd / EvenTotal PointsPoints
4pointsoe3s0Points Odd / EvenTotal PointsPoints
4pointsoe4s0Points Odd / EvenTotal PointsPoints
4pointsoe5s0Points Odd / EvenTotal PointsPoints
4hasep1s0Set Has Extra PointsSetsPoints
4hasep2s0Set Has Extra PointsSetsPoints
4hasep3s0Set Has Extra PointsSetsPoints
4hasep4s0Set Has Extra PointsSetsPoints
4sethcfe0Set HandicapTeamsSets
412hcfe1Handicap 2 Way PointsTotal PointsPoints
412hc1s1Handicap 2 Way PointsTotal PointsPoints
4pointscs1s2Correct Score PointsTotal PointsPoints
51x2fe0Match Winner (3 Way)TeamsGoals
512fe0Match WinnerTeamsGoals
5121h0First Half WinnerTeamsGoals
5oufe1Over / Under GoalsTotal GoalsGoals
5ou1h1Over / Under GoalsTotal GoalsGoals
512hcfe0Handicap 2 WayTeamsGoals
51x2hcfe0Handicap 3 WayTeamsGoals
512hc1h0Handicap 2 WayTeamsGoals
5dnbfe0Draw no BetTeamsGoals
5oefe0Odd / Even GoalsTotal GoalsGoals
5dcfe0Double ChanceTeamsGoals
5hmgfe0Highest Scoring HalfStageGoals
5awaymarginfe0Away Winning MarginTotal GoalsGoals
5homemarginfe0Home Winning MarginTotal GoalsGoals
612fe0Match WinnerTeamsGoals
61x2fe0Match Winner 3 WayTeamsGoals
6121p0Winner of StageTeamsGoals
6oefe0Odd / EvenTotal GoalsGoals
612hcfe0Handicap 2 WayTeamsGoals
61x2hcfe0Handicap 3 WayTeamsGoals
612hc1p0Handicap 2 Way 1st PeriodTeamsGoals
6bts1p0Both to ScoreTeamsGoals
6oufe1Over / UnderTotal GoalsGoals
6ou1p1Over / Under 1st PeriodTotal GoalsGoals
6csfe0Correct ScoreTotal GoalsGoals
712fe0Match WinnerTeamsSets
7121s0Winner of SetTeamsPoints
7122s0Winner of SetTeamsPoints
7123s0Winner of SetTeamsPoints
7124s0Winner of SetTeamsPoints
7125s0Winner of SetTeamsPoints
7cs3setfe0Set BettingTotal SetsSets
7cs5setfe0Set BettingTotal SetsSets
7setcsfe0Set BettingTotal SetsSets
7pointsoefe0Points Odd / EvenTotal PointsPoints
7pointsou1s1Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
7pointsou2s1Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
7pointsou3s1Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
7pointsou4s1Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
7pointsou5s1Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
7pointsoufe1Points Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
7homeoufe1Home Points Over / UnderHome Total PointsPoints
7awayoufe1Away Points Over / UnderAway Total PointsPoints
712hcfe1Handicap (2 Ways)Total PointsPoints
1112fe0Match WinnerTeamsPoints
1112hcfe0Handicap (2 Ways)TeamsPoints
11oufe1Over / UnderTotal PointsPoints
121x2fe0Match WinnerTeams
1312fe0Match WinnerTeams
1412fe0Match WinnerTeams
1512fe0Match WinnerTeams
1612fe0Match WinnerTeams
1612hcfe0Handicap (2 Ways)TeamsPoints
16oufe1Points Over / UnderPointsPoints
1712fe0Match WinnerTeams
1712hcfe0Handicap (2 Ways)TeamsPoints
17oufe1Points Over / UnderPointsPoints
1812fe0Match WinnerTeams
1912fe0Match WinnerTeams
2012fe0Match WinnerTeamsGoals
2012hcfe0Handicap (2 Ways)TeamsGoals
20oufe1Goals Over / UnderGoalsGoals
241x2fe0Match WinnerTeamsGoals
2412hcfe0Handicap (2 Ways)TeamsGoals
24oufe1Goals Over / UnderGoalsGoals

Field Explanation


The sport this market is valid for (see sports id).


The market's shorthand name used for the tip ids in the odds object.


The period of the game covered by this market:

  • fe: Final - the final outcome of this match. Inclusive all extra time and shootout.
  • ord: Ordinary Play Time - the outcome at the end of the regular playtime. For example soccer after 90+ min but without the extra time (2 x 15 min) and without the penalty shootout.
  • 1h: First Half - the outcome after the first half of the match.
  • 2h: Second Half - the outcome only for goals / points / cards within the second half.
  • 1s..5s: 1st to 5th Set - the outcome only for goals / points within this set.
  • 1q..4q: 1st to 4th Quarter - the outcome only for goals / points within this quarter.
  • 1p..3p: 1st to 3rd Period - the outcome only for goals / points within this period.


  • 0: This market is fixed and can only have one outcome at the same time. The old odd must be replaced with the new incoming odd.
  • 1, 2, 3: This market can have multiple lines. For example Over / Under can have Over / Under 1.5 and Over / Under 2.5 for the same game stage. See dynamic markets for more information.

Valid for

The detail the market is valid for.


For the market smg (Half with Most Goals) the tip id odd_smg_1_ord contains 1. This market is valid for Stage, so that means this 1 is the first half.

The tip id odd_1x2_1_ord for the market 1x2 also contains 1 but is valid for Teams, which means the 1 is team 1 (home team) in this case.

Based on

The type of data the market based on. For example a market based on Goals needs a score of any kind to be calculated.

Market detail list

Market DetailExampleDescriptionValid for
Number0The Count of Goals / Points / Cards etcGoals / Points / Cards / Corner / Sets / Penalty / Stage
1 or 21The Team you bet on (1 = Home; 2 = Away)Teams
Number +1+valid for this Count and bigger then thisGoals / Points / Cards / Corner / Sets / Penalty
Number - Number0-5The Range it is Valid for (x-y Means: From x to y)Goals / Points / Cards / Corner / Sets / Penalty
Number - Number0-1The Score it is Valid forCorrect Score / Total Goals
Number - Number0-2.5The Score needs to be Added to the Real Score - Possible as 0-2 or 0-2.5 Depending on the MarketHandycap / Teams
Number th10thThe exact outcome of thisGoals / Points / Cards / Corner / Sets / Penalty
Number st21stThe exact outcome of thisGoals / Points / Cards / Corner / Sets / Penalty
Number nd2ndThe exact outcome of thisGoals / Points / Cards / Corner / Sets / Penalty
xxThe outcome is equal for Both SidesGoals / Points / Cards / Corner / Sets / Penalty / Stage / Teams
drawdrawsame like x
eesame like x
eveneventhe Outcome is EvenGoals / Points / Cards / Corner / Sets / Penalty / Stage / Teams
oddoddThe Outcome is OddGoals / Points / Cards / Corner / Sets / Penalty / Stage / Teams
nonoThe Event The Tip is for did not OccurGoals / Points / Cards / Corner / Penalty
yesyesThe Event The Tip is for did OccurGoals / Points / Cards / Corner / Penalty
nnno / noThe Event The Tip is for did not Occur / The Event The Tip is for did not OccurTeams
ynyes / noThe Event The Tip is for did Occur / The Event The Tip is for did not OccurTeams
nyno / yesThe Event The Tip is for did not Occur / The Event The Tip is for did OccurTeams
yyyes / yesThe Event The Tip is for did Occur / The Event The Tip is for did OccurTeams
u Numberu2Less than thisGoals / Points / Cards / Corner / Penalty
o Numbero3More than thisGoals / Points / Cards / Corner / Penalty
namenameThe Name of the Player This Event Counts forGoals / Points / Cards / Corner / Penalty
1x1xTeam 1 Win or the Match Ends in a DrawMarket Double Chance (Teams)
1212Team 1 or Team 2 Win the MatchMarket Double Chance (Teams)
x2x2The Match Ends in a Draw or Team 2 WinMarket Double Chance (Teams)
1111Team 1 Win / Team 1 WinMarket Halftime / Fulltime (Teams)
1212Team 1 Win / Team 2 WinMarket Halftime / Fulltime (Teams)
1x1xTeam 1 Win/ DrawMarket Halftime / Fulltime (Teams)
2121Team 2 Win / Team 1 WinMarket Halftime / Fulltime (Teams)
2222Team 2 Win / Team 2 WinMarket Halftime / Fulltime (Teams)
2x2xTeam 2 Win / DrawMarket Halftime / Fulltime (Teams)
x1x1Draw / Team 1 WinMarket Halftime / Fulltime (Teams)
x2x2Draw / Team 2 WinMarket Halftime / Fulltime (Teams)
xxxxDraw / DrawMarket Halftime / Fulltime (Teams)
1n1nThe Event The Tip is for did not Occur for Team 1Teams
1y1yThe Event The Tip is for did Occur for Team 1Teams
2n2nThe Event The Tip is for did not Occur for Team 2Teams
2y2yThe Event The Tip is for did Occur for Team 2Teams

Market detail list (combined bets)

MarketMarket DetailExampleDescription
12ou1ovodd_12ou_1ov_2.5_ordTeam 1 Wins And Total Goals Over 2.5
1unodd_12ou_1un_1.5_ordTeam 1 Wins And Total Goals Under 1.5
2ovodd_12ou_2ov_3.5_ordTeam 2 Wins And Total Goals Over 3.5
2unodd_12ou_2un_2.5_ordTeam 2 Wins And Total Goals Under 2.5
1x2bts1yodd_1x2bts_1y_ordTeam 1 Wins and Both Teams Score
1nodd_1x2bts_1n_ordTeam 1 Wins but Team 2 do not Score
2yodd_1x2bts_2y_ordTeam 2 Wins and Both Teams Score
2nodd_1x2bts_2n_ordTeam 2 Wins but Team 1 do not Score
xyodd_1x2bts_xy_ordMatch Ends in a Draw but Both Teams Score
xnodd_1x2bts_xn_ordMatch Ends in a Draw and Noone Scores
1x2ou151oodd_1x2ou15_1o_ordTeam 1 Wins And Total Goals Over 1.5
1uodd_1x2ou15_1u_ordTeam 1 Wins And Total Goals Under 1.5
2oodd_1x2ou15_2o_ordTeam 2 Wins And Total Goals Over 1.5
2uodd_1x2ou15_2u_ordTeam 2 Wins And Total Goals Under 1.5
xoodd_1x2ou15_xo_ordMatch Ends in a Draw And Total Goals Over 1.5
xuodd_1x2ou15_xu_ordMatch Ends in a Draw And Total Goals Under 1.5
1x2ou25 and Similar Markets Needs to be Handled Like 1x2ou15
btsoujovodd_btsou_jov_2.5_ordBoth Teams Score and Total Goals Over 2.5
junodd_btsou_jun_2.5_ordBoth Teams Score and Total Goals Under 2.5
novodd_btsou_nov_2.5_ordNot Both Teams Score and Total Goals Over 2.5
nunodd_btsou_nun_2.5_ordNot Both Teams Score and Total Goals Under 2.5